As a member of CBN-NOVA, you surround yourself with fellow business professionals who are committed to running and growing their business in an ethical manner, to supporting our community and Church, and who are looking for an opportunity to work with and support other similar businesses so they can also succeed and give back. CBN-NOVA is unique in it's combination of shared faith, networking, and commitment to creating opportunities for Catholic students.
When you network at CBN-NOVA Meetings you will find that you have an instant connection with other members, and can more easily learn about their business and its value to you, and explain what you do and how you help others.
The member directory is used by both members and the public to search for and find Catholic businesses.
Members receive discounted rates for all meetings.
Annual fees go predominantly to donations to the Diocese of Arlington, earmarked for use by the Office of Schools, for advancement of the Bishop's goals. Currently, these funds go to needs-based tuition assistance.
In summary, if the following is important to you - please join us:
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